Do any anti-aging creams actually work?

Anti-aging skin care products, such as moisturizers and serums, can never stop aging. However, skin care with active ingredients, such as retinol and hyaluronic acid, can delay signs of aging and improve skin appearance. However, for many creams, lotions, and vitamin supplements that claim to reduce wrinkles or delay premature aging, there isn't enough evidence to show that they work. While some active ingredients used in anti-aging products have been proven to be safe and effective, the trick is to find the right ingredients that work well for you, experts say.

The dermatologists interviewed for this article said that most skin creams are harmless. If you like a product, enjoy it, they said, but keep in mind that your skin probably won't be miraculously transformed. Topical medications based on vitamin A, called retinoids, the most widely used and studied anti-aging compounds, can reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Tretinoin, under the trade name Retin-A, was the first retinoid.

It was used as a treatment for acne in the 1970s, but researchers later discovered that it also reduces spots of actinic keratosis, unifies pigmentation and accelerates the renewal of superficial skin cells. Perricone, MD Cosmeceuticals, stated in a company blog post that an ingredient in its moisturizing facial finishing cream called DMAE provides benefits similar to those of a face lift, as well as other long-lasting anti-aging effects when applied to the face or taken as a supplement.

Sienna King
Sienna King

Devoted bacon advocate. Devoted coffee fan. Amateur music scholar. Subtly charming internet lover. Freelance bacon fan.