How can i improve my bone health for better anti-ageing wellness results?

Weight exercises, such as walking, jogging and climbing stairs, can help you build strong bones and slow bone loss. High consumption of green and yellow vegetables has been linked to increased bone mineralization during childhood and to the maintenance of bone mass in young adults (3, 4,. In a large, six-year observational study with more than 144,000 postmenopausal women, higher protein intake was associated with a lower risk of forearm fractures and significantly higher bone density in the hip, spine, and entire body (2). A low protein intake can cause bone loss, while a high protein intake can help protect bone health during aging and weight loss.

A small study in healthy young women found that MK-7 supplements raised blood levels of vitamin K2 more than MK-4 (3). However, another 12-month study found no significant difference in bone loss between women whose diets were supplemented with natto and those who did not (40). Studies have shown that diets that provide fewer than 1000 calories per day can reduce bone density in people with normal weight, overweight, or obese (41, 42, 43, 4). In one study, obese women who consumed 925 calories per day for four months experienced a significant loss of bone density in the hip and upper thigh region, regardless of whether they were doing resistance training (4).

A 24-week study found that giving postmenopausal women with osteoporosis a combination of collagen and the hormone calcitonin caused a significant reduction in markers of collagen degradation (4). In fact, low body weight is the main factor contributing to reduced bone density and bone loss in this age group (47.4). On the other hand, some studies suggest that obesity can affect bone quality and increase the risk of fractures due to the stress of excess weight (49, 50). That's why it's important to keep up with exercise as you age.

It strengthens muscles and keeps bones strong, making them less likely to break by maintaining bone strength. The best way for most people to get enough vitamin D is through supplements, says Dr. Lane, who recommends 1,000 to 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 for her patients. The good news is, even if you already have osteoporosis, it's not too late to start taking care of your bones.

Because bones are rebuilding on their own all the time, you can help maintain balance toward greater bone growth by giving them exercise, calcium, and vitamin D. Calcium and vitamin D supplementation is now the primary dietary intervention for osteoporosis, as it correlates with decreased bone loss (associated with older age) and reduced risk of fractures.

Sienna King
Sienna King

Devoted bacon advocate. Devoted coffee fan. Amateur music scholar. Subtly charming internet lover. Freelance bacon fan.